Title: The Angel Experiment
Author: James Patterson
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

Summary: Max and her flock, who are 98% human and 2% bird, have been running from the deadly white coats and the school ever since they were born.  But when Angel gets kidnapped, they have no choice but to chase after them.  And also, if there's time, find out about their pasts.

Characters: 8/10
Plot: 6/10
Originality: 9/10
Age Rating: PG
Recommendation: 8/10

Review: Okay, this book was pretty good, but it's not really for the picky (not me) people because while the chapters are short, there's 100 chapters and quite a few of them are spent on things that could've been put into a sentence and the plot still would've not been ruined.

For example, there was a chapter dedicated to the whole flock ordering food from the fast food store.  Another time, Fang and Nudge were just watching hawks fly and learned 'tricks' from them.

So yeah, at least a 1/4 of the book could've been shaved off, but I liked the characters and chapters being short gave you illusions that you were reading a ton so it was okay.